Gamla Uppsala museum in English

Gamla Uppsala museum in English Photo: Sabina Larsson

Welcome to Gamla Uppsala museum to explore the legendary history of Old Uppsala.

Gamla (Old) Uppsala was once a political and religious seat of power. The large Royal Mounds were erected as burials for the ruling elite during the Vendel period (550 – 800 AD). The site was well known during the Viking age (800 – 1050 AD) as a place for worship and sacrifice (Blot) to Asir gods like Thor, Oden, and Frey.

The museum is located near the mighty Royal Mounds. Through artefacts, interactive displays, 3D models and temporary exhibitions, the museum tells the long and exciting history of the site. The exhibition welcomes younger visitors as well.

On the upper floor there is a temporaty exhibition about runestones called Tyde den som kan.

The museum is housed in a unique building, designed by architect Carl Nyrén (1917– 2011).

The museum offers guided tours in Swedish and English on weekends year-round and daily during the summer.

Events such as lectures, school break activities, theme days, family activities, markets, and lager happenings, such as living history events, are regularly hosted by the museum.

Experience this breathtaking site for yourself during your stay. After visiting the museum, we suggest taking a walk by the Royal Mounds, visiting Gamla Uppsala church, the Odinsborg restaurant, and the open air museum Disagården.

Getting to Gamla Uppsala is easy by car, bus or bike.

Opening hours:

October - Mars: Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays 12pm to 4 pm (closed October 7)

April - May: Daily at 10am – 4pm (closed April 16th)

June - August: Daily at 11am – 5pm (closed June 21st)

September: Daily at 10am – 4pm

Open daily during school breaks (in Uppsala).

Closed Midsumers Eve (June 22,) Christmas Eve, Chrismas day, New Years Eve and New years Day.


Entrance 150 sek
Student/Senior 120 sek
Yearly ticket 200 sek (valid during 2024)
Up to 19 years old, free entrance

Events and tours are included in the entrace fee.

Guided tours:

Guided tour in Swedish, Weekends at 1pm 

Guided tours in English, Weekends at 3pm

Daily tours in Swedish and English June 17 to August 18.

The tours are incuded in the entrance fee.

Private tours can be booked all year round. Before, during and after opening hours.

Duration 50 minutes , 1000 sek plus entrance fee during weekdays within opening hours, 1600 sek plus entrance fee after opening hours and during weekends.

For tours and events, book at Contact